Holidays - Are you happy or hurting?
I remember being at boarding school in Toccoa Falls, Georgia. It was my senior year of high school and my missionary parents were in West Africa. We only had one radio station and even though I was happy and doing well most of the time, when Elvis started singing "I'll Have a Blue Christmas Without You" I'd feel that sad feeling wrap around my heart. I missed my Mom and Dad.
If Christmas memories are painful, it can be hard to watch others enjoying the season. Maybe you are wondering why you can't feel that joy. I have good news!
Jesus came to earth as a Baby to seek and to save those who were lost. He came to die, to take our eternal punishment, so that we can step out of our pain and into His perfect love. Isaiah 9:6 tells us Jesus is born for us, given to us, to be all that we need Him to be...our Savior, our God, our Counselor, our Prince of Peace. He is the Hope of a new beginning and the Joy of walking in His presence! That is real joy and it is yours, at Christmas, and all year long.
Don't waste time wrapped in pain. Receive the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ. Enjoy His joy this Christmas!
And pass it on!