A Moving On Testimony
During my Christian walk an event with my married family member happened that was so hurtful to me that I became angry, which then festered into bitterness. I knew this reaction was wrong, but I fell into the sin of unforgiving. Because of the hurt to me and other family members, I felt justified. But the Holy Spirit nudged -- no! --you must forgive!

I refused for five years, so my sin tore at me and placed me in denial and bondage. The good news is one day at church a Coach Leader of the men's 'Moving On' ministry approached me privately and invited me to join a new group session about to begin. He said that I appeared troubled in my Christian walk and I told him that is true and would like to attend.
After completing that group session, I forgave my family member and the chains have now been broken to set me free of sin bondage! I now live in victory from death that Jesus gave all who believe in Him. The very next group session I sat in as assistant of the Coach Leader to help get that group of men free of sin bondage By the way, the person I forgave has surrendered to Jesus and is also a 'born-again' Christian!
Thank you Lord Jesus for the blessing of the men's 'Moving-on' ministry!