Victory's Journey
Small Group Curriculum
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The Victory’s Journey and Moving On Curriculums were created to bring hope and healing to broken members of the Body of Christ. Too many of us exist as victims of our past thinking and behaviors when God has a victorious lifestyle ready for us. It is ours in Christ!
These lessons follow a pattern of Biblical principles and discipleship truths that will help us reach out and take hold the blessings of God. With God’s help, we can change! We can step out of the ordinary into the purposes God has for us. We can know who we are in Christ and walk in our new identity with boldness and courage!
Small Group Curriculum

Moving On Leader's Manual
A Men’s Small Group Curriculum challenging men to move past their anger, regrets, failures, addictions, broken relationships, and past traumas. Providing both encouragement and accountability, this resource will help the men in your church move beyond the past and into their God-ordained present and future. Men, it’s time to Move On!
“We each have a story. When our story is connected to God’s story, He can bring healing and wholeness to our brokenness. In Victory’s Journey and Moving On Laverne Weber offers hope and practical help to those who have been hurt through the tragedy of abuse. I highly recommend this manual as a resource for all of us.”
-Bryan Koch, PennDel District Assemblies of God Assistant Superintendent, Senior Pastor at GT Church West Lawn, Reading, PA,
“Victory’s Journey Ministries is an excellent training course designed to help men and women deal with the emotional pain of their past. This course designed by Rev. Weber is well organized and easy to follow. While utilizing psychological principles, the material remains biblically sound. Both Manuals are complete tool and is presented in a concise and clear manner. It offers instruction for group facilitators as well as providing a basic format for each of the group meetings. Having served as a pastor and a mental health therapist, I strongly recommend this program. “
-Dr. David Scolforo, Professor: University of Valley Forge
“People come into our churches just as they are—with wounds that have held them back from experiencing the joy of their salvation and inhibited in their ability to love and serve the Lord and others. Victory’s Journey and Moving On address this serious issue by providing a process for healing that we believe is critical to Christian discipleship. We have seen men and women being released from encumbrances and freed to fulfill God’s purpose for their life.”
- Chaplain John Puleo, MA, Board Certified Professional Counselor
- Ruth Puleo, Women of Purpose Director, PennDel District Assemblies of God
“We’ve been using Victory’s Journey small groups for ten years and many lives have been impacted and changed by the truth of God’s word and the healing process as presented in Laverne Weber’s curriculum.
I was immensely relieved in 2007 when Laverne shared her curriculum with us for helping women overcome the devastatingly shameful consequences of sexual, physical and emotional abuse. I had traveled my own healing journey with the Holy Spirit and God’s Word so I found it exciting to see much of the same process revealed in her original curriculum, Journey to Joy. The ladies found this small group to be a safe place to process their pain, interact about what they were learning and receive help in exchanging the ashes of rejection and abuse for the beauty of a new identity in Christ.
I highly recommend Victory’s Journey small groups.”
-Angela M. Coon, Author, Speaker, Blog: Hand Me Downs
"For the past eight years Victory's Journey has been an integral component of our ministry at Newport Assembly of God Church. The combination of Biblical truth and small group support is central to the study. We have seen dozens of women and men move from painful pasts to freedom in Christ.
But Victory's Journey doesn't stop there. The program also equips for the future so participants do not repeat the patterns that cause so much frustration in their lives.
I can't tell you the number of times I have heard women talking to other women and saying, "Victory's Journey taught me...."
I feel honored to recommend this program to anyone searching for more of Christ in their life."
-Rev. Kristen Hill, Women's Pastor, Newport Assembly of God